I recently met up with a friend of mine who I had worked with while student-teaching. We've kept in touch, and I was so honored when she contacted me to take some family pictures! I had heard so much about her kids and husband, so it was fun to finally meet them.
#1 favorite of the twins. Cute!
#2 favorite. The kids are so "over" my photo session.
The McGuire Family
My sneak-peek photo. I love the interaction here between this brother and sister. So classic!
What a happy little guy!
Beautiful girl.
Splish, splash! I had never gotten in the creek before, but I loved that they suggested it! The cool water felt amazing, considering the 90 degree weather and 80% humidity! Ugh.
My sneak-peek photo. I love the interaction here between this brother and sister. So classic!
What a happy little guy!
Beautiful girl.
Splish, splash! I had never gotten in the creek before, but I loved that they suggested it! The cool water felt amazing, considering the 90 degree weather and 80% humidity! Ugh.
Look at those big blue eyes.
FINALLY - the playground! Pure excitement.
Practicing for senior pictures :)
A classic family portrait.
Awe! A cute one of this proud daddy and his son.
Kind of artsy-fartsy, but I really enjoy the motion of this shot.
The three kiddos, with their mom and dad behind me making silly faces :)
One last shot of this adorable little girl. Again, so timeless.
McGuires: thank you again for spending a very steamy Sunday morning with me! Despite the crippling heat and humidity, I think we got some really great shots. I look forward to our next lunch date! :)
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