Jack is Back!

During my first session with this little adventurer a few weeks ago, Jack took a tumble down some stairs and scraped up his nose.  {my first injury during a photo shoot!  eek!}  So, we called it a day and decided to reschedule for Round 2.  So, here are a few of my favorite shots from the second session.  And, I'm happy to report that this shoot went much better than the first... no bloodshed or tears!

Stuffed animals: don't leave home without them.
**Favorite picture of the day, coming right up (well, down really)!
... and then he got this little cheesy grin going... what a funny guy!
Look out - he's got quite an arm!  {I'm not kidding.}
Crunch, crunch, crunch.  Hel-lo fall.
I think this one looks like a photo that would come inside a new picture frame. Very pleasant.

I love his expression here. 

Chubby cheeks and long eyelashes.  {sigh}

The End!  Thanks again for agreeing to meet up with me a second time - I hope it was fun!


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