Kaelyn: The Happiest Baby EVER

This little girl might just be the happiest baby that I've ever photographed - seriously!  She was non-stop smiles from the moment I arrived, until the moment I left.  It was fantastic!  Here are some of my favorites from the session.

This is an ultra-long post, mostly because I had the hardest time choosing what to show you!  They all turned out so cute.

Shield your eyes Bengals fans, I think that Kaelyn is destined to be a Steelers fan!  What a cutie. 
A quick outfit change...  Let the endless smiles begin!
The M family is so cute  - and so sweet, too!  
We headed outside next - I LOVE these with her daddy.
Possibly her least smily picture - but I still liked it.
My sneak peek photo, for those of you who are paying attention!
...Still smiling :)  What did you expect?

You'd think those little cheeks would be so tired by now - but she kept right on going!
A sweet moment with her momma.
Then it was back inside for a quick outfit change.
This might be my favorite picture of the day below.  Love it!
Kaelyn thinks her mom is hysterical, clearly.
Next it was off to her nursery for a few crib shots.

I love this one of her on the front porch... what a doll!

By this point in the session, most kids are starting to get a little cranky, but not Kaelyn! 
The next two pics were two of the last photos taken.  I really love them.
Look at those blue eyes!
Bye, bye sweetie!  You were the best little model ever! :)
Thanks for having me over M family!  It was honestly a pleasure - and I greatly appreciated the baby gear recommendations :)  


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