The K. Family - Candids at Home

My adventures with the K. family continued when I stopped by their home around lunchtime one Friday.  I love the pictures that I captured of the kids... comfortable in their house, with their toys, just being themselves. Their mom loves black and white photography (and I do, too!) so I'm posting a few of my favorites from our impromptu session.

Me : "What's your silliest face?"  Results below.

The kids insisted on this picture.  Where did Ellie and Blake go?
And here is their baby sister, Josie.  Just taking it all in - she'll be running around soon, too!
The Three Amigos.
Tickles for Josie!
Check out those big eyes!
They look very similar to her big brother's!  I love this picture, by the way.

Dr. Ellie showed me her stethoscope, then used it on her #1 patient, mom.
Prognosis: healthy & having fun!
Thanks again for your hospitality!  I had lots of fun :)


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