The G. Family {Family Photographer, Cincinnati, OH}

The G. Family met me at Sharon Woods on a chilly, overcast, fall morning.  I had been keeping an eye on the radar all morning and knew that there was a possibility we could get wet... and sure enough... it started raining about halfway through the session!  Fortunately, there was a huge pine tree nearby that we all ducked underneath (actually, we all got inside of the tree!) and the shooting continued!  It turned out to be a great* spot, and one I never would have found otherwise.

Thank you for being so sweet, so patient, and for not being scared of a little rain.  It was really great seeing you - and meeting your little ones!

Enjoy a few photos from the session.

I LOVE these.  Huge blue eyes, beautiful leaves... love.
 Inside of the tree - you can't even tell that it's raining now, can you?! :)


Anonymous said...

What a good looking and happy family. Loved the pics.

Deb and Keith

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