Kimble Family - Continued!

Here are a few more of my favorite shots from my session last weekend with the Kimble family.  We managed to do all sorts of fun things at the park... we flew a kite, chased bubbles around in the wind, splashed in a creek and finally played on the playground!  I think that the kids had fun... I know that I did!  

All he needs here is an orange popsicle... I'm loving the orangey-sherbert theme.

I know that I posted this one before, but I it's my absolute favorite of the day... so here it is again!

They had such a great dragon kite!  Very cool.

This little guy was so sweet with his baby sister.  Cute, cute, cute.

I managed to snap these between tummy bounces!

Looking just like her mom, here...

Candid portraiture... this is definitely my style.

Kite time!  Such fantastic colors.

I think that this picture captures the kids' personalities pretty well :)

Mommy & Daddy Kimble :)

Thanks again for spending the morning at the park with me.  Your kids were incredibly cute - and well-behaved, too I should add!  Since we share mutual friends, I really hope we can 'bump' into each other again soon. :)


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