Theresa & James - Engagement Session

Look who's getting married!  It is my pleasure to introduce my cousin Theresa and her beau, James.  The three of us took a time-out from our family vacation to grab some engagement shots last week.  Thanks for letting me chase you around in the woods for an hour with my camera!  They were so flexible that they even took their shoes off and hopped in the water when I asked; you guys are awesome!  I love the way that these turned out; I hope you enjoy them too. 

So we started out on top of the Round Lake Dam (for some 'dam pictures' - ha!) which was built in the 1880's for the logging industry; it was a very unique structure.  I think that this is my favorite pic of the day!  The lighting that afternoon was great.

And then we decided to venture underneath... shoes off!  The water was suprisingly warm.  (note the matching shorts - love it!)

Another fave... 

After the dam, we headed off for a stroll through the woods... beware of the bears!

I love this one because it captures a very "classic" Theresa look.  If you know her, you know what I mean! 

After a quick wardrobe change, we were right back in the woods for the second half of the session.  These trees just seem to whisper, "telephone pole" to me :)

Love the ring bling.

A little cliche, but still so cute!

Love this one - great suggestion Tree!

I crawled through the weeds for this one, and was most likely covered with ticks... but it was worth getting the shot! 

Pure serenity; I wish I could go back to this spot.  It was quietly beautiful.

It was finally time to head back to the car - and to get on with the vacation! 

Theresa and James: I was so honored when you asked me to take these pictures for you, and I really hope that you enjoy them.  Look for my package in the mail, soon.  Jeff and I can't wait for your wedding next July! :) 


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