The Allman Family

You can imagine my delight when an old sorority sister, who I haven't seen in over 7 years, called to see if I could take some family pictures.  I think we may have spent more time talking than taking pictures during the session, but it was so great catching up!  And fortunately, I think we got some really cute shots, too.  I'm so happy to have reconnected and gotten to meet your beautiful family.

Meet their beautiful daughter.  She'll be turning one next month!

She's showing off those pearly whites.  
Love this.
One of my favorite pictures from the day, below.  CUTE!

I really loved this series on the hammock.  I couldn't decide which ones I liked the best, so I posted all of my favorites. 

Hi there happy girl! 
...a little love from dad.
After the hammock, we moved from the backyard to the front porch.
And here's the Allman's other baby... what a handsome boy!  
Such great eyes, huh? for something a bit more stylized...

The Allman's love to cook, so it seemed appropriate to snap a few shots in the kitchen.

Playtime in Baby Allman's crib!

And we ended the day with hugs from mom.
The End!  
Thanks again for getting back in touch.  Jeff and I are looking forward to getting together soon!


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