Baby Jacob

I am pleased to introduce 6-month old Jacob to all of my blog readers.  This little guy was very interested in my camera during our meeting... in fact, he was looking at the camera in about 85% of all of the pictures!  When I got home to do my editing, I was amazed!  Perhaps he's destined to be a model in the future... he sure is cute enough!  And his big blue eyes - wow!!  Mom & Dad could be in trouble when he hits his teenage years. :)

He looks so dapper in his shirt and tie! 
I feel like he should be saying, "Buy, buy buy!  Sell, sell, sell!" 
What a little munchkin!
My little model and his proud parents.

WARNING:  You're about to see some ridiculous cute pictures of a little train conductor.  These photos could cause heart palpitations.  Proceed with caution.
Choo-choo!  Omg.
Can you believe these blue eyes?  Incredible!  No photoshop'ing required.

The family's other baby...

 The end!  Thanks so much for inviting me into your home to capture these precious moments!


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