NYC and the Macy's Day Parade

Happy 2011 to all of my blog readers!  The holidays are finally over, and I feel like I'm just beginning to catch my breath.  Not only did we celebrate Christmas in our household, there were also six, I repeat, SIX birthdays to celebrate in my family in the months of December and January.  I love all of the parties and birthday cake, but my waistline  certainly has a differing opinion.  Anyway, my point in telling you all of this, is that I have been extremely BUSY!  Throw in a week's vacation in Mexico, some holiday house guests and a peppering of family photo shoots & photo booth events, and these past 6 weeks have been absurdly crazy.  And don't get me started on the fact that our house is for sale or my full-time day job!

I've been wanting to post these pictures for some time, so you'll have to excuse their tardiness.  I've had a few other things going on lately :)  My family traveled to NYC for Thanksgiving in 2010, not because we had family there to visit, but rather to see the Macy's Day Parade!  It had been a dream of my mom's since she was a kid, so we decided to make it a reality this year.  It turned out to be an amazing trip full of delicious food, lots of laughter, and more subway rides than I care to remember.  We vowed to do it again someday... but maybe next time in warmer weather!

I won't bore you with lots of family photos, but here are a few shots from the trip.  I'll start with the Macy's Day Parade.  You can't really appreciate the size of the balloons until you're actually there.  They. are. massive.

To infinity and beyond!
Hello Kitty!
Balloons, balloons, balloons.
Argentina was represented in the parade - their costumes were awesome!
Spidy!  He was my favorite balloon.
I'm not a fan of Jessica Simpson, but it's always fun to see a celebrity.
The big man himself and his not-so-little  elves.
Now for some landmarks...
View of midtown from the top of the Empire State Building.   Do you see Central Park?  The NYE ball is in here too - bonus points if you can find it.
The Flat Iron building.  I think this picture (specifically the cabs) look fake.

Radio City Music Hall.  The Rockettes were kickin'.  
Trump Tower.  Not exactly a landmark, but the architecture and reflection was cool.
How nerdy are we?  We bargained hard for these teeshirts in China Town and decided to take a group shot in Central Park.  Yes, we were those tourists!
A sweet moment I captured of my in-laws.  I framed it for them for Christmas!
As the one behind the camera, I rarely find myself in any pictures anymore.  So, thank you to my dad for wrestling the camera out of my hands for a few pictures.  That's my hubby and I in Central Park.  I love this one.  {sigh}  
The End!


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