The G. Family Portraits

I met baby Clara a few months back when I did her newborn photos.  (you can see them by clicking HERE - so cute!)  Anyway, I was excited when her mom called to schedule Miss Clara for her 3 month-old pictures.  She's gotten so big!  It's amazing how quickly a baby changes in just a few months time.  We met on a beautiful day at the park.

Some of my favorite shots from the day are below.  Enjoy!

What a beautiful baby girl!  Don't you just love her headband?  I totally want to borrow it.
Nom, nom, nom.  Fingers are tasty.
Hey there, peanut!
Hanging out with Mommy and Daddy.
Wardrobe change!
I think Clara is going to be a daddy's girl... :)
Up for a quick stroll through the park.
I love her little tongue.  It looks like she's going to do a raspberry!
They are such genuinely nice people and I think it shines through.

--The End!--

Thanks again for everything!  I hope that you enjoy this first holiday season with your baby girl.  She is adorable!  Look for your disk in the mail soon.


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