The Ksiazek Family

I recently shot some holiday pictures for the Ksiazek family.  This was my second session with them and their little guy sure is getting big!  He's on the verge of walking, so things are just about to get really exciting in their household.
I'm starting with my fav picture of the day!
He kept wanting to sit in my lap!  So cute. :)
Hey there, Mr. Candy Cane!

Love this one, too.  Very cool reflection.
He was much more interested in his mommy's pearls than my camera.
Charlie Brown tree!
Lookin' just like his momma

nom, nom, nom...
The Ksiazek's other baby, PJ.
Cutie family.

We ended the session with lots of giggles.
I think I see a tooth in there.
The End!  Merry Christmas, Ksiazeks!


Lindsay Casten said...

So adorable! And amazing photography, as usual! :)

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