Amanda + Kevin = Married!

I recently assisted Sara Streit (click on her name to be linked to her site) with a wedding in Walton, Kentucky.  It was an absolutely beautiful day for a wedding, but gheesh... it was COLD!  The bridal party were troopers however (especially the girls in their strapless dresses - eek!) and everyone gladly toughed it out for some gorgeous outdoor photos.  I love that I was able to help capture the first moments of this couple's life together!  Thanks so much for the opportunity, Sara.  Here are just a few of my pictures from the day.

The girls got ready at the groom's parents' house, so that's where we started, too.  
Check out this gown!
I love the varying shades of nail polish here...
The lovely bride, Amanda.  Isn't she gorgeous?

Time to get married!

I love this song; it always gives me goosebumps.  (played at my wedding, too!)
Bird's eye view from the choir loft...
Mr. & Mrs!

The ceremony was followed by lots of hugs :)
And this little guy - OMG!  Too cute.

These coats prove just how COLD it was!  Look at those rosy cheeks :)

I think this next picture is pretty steamy though

The yummy cake - three different flavors.  

And they lived happily ever after!
Congratulations Amanda & Kevin.


Marathon Mom said...

Shelly-These are absolutely beautiful!

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