Family Picture Time!

I have gotten to know this family quite well over the past 12 years, as their youngest daughter and I became  good friends in college.  Life has changed a bit since I was first introduced to them years ago, as there have since been graduations, weddings, plenty of showers and lots babies!  The family keeps growing, and fortunately for me, I keep getting asked back to photograph the family. :)  It's always a pleasure.

The rain kept us inside, unfortunately.  But, we made the most of it and still got the formal shots that they were after.

Three generations!
Love those curly baby locks.

Enough formal shots!  The kids were eager to RUN!
Check out the little guy's facial expression here.  (he just needs his collar flipped up to complete the look!)

Next we headed out to the garage where the boys climbed around in Grandpa's really cool, yellow Corvette!
Lovin' the baby blues.

Wow, see his massive eyelashes?  The girls are going to go ga-ga for those someday.
A proud grandpa.
Dreaming of the day when he can take this car out for a spin... 
The end!  Thanks again for having me over.  Hope to see you all again soon!


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