The K. Family Portrait Session

The K. Family just might be one of the sweetest families that I know.  And lucky for me, this is the second time that I've gotten to photograph their growing family!  Since seeing them last year, they have added a beautiful baby girl, Josie, to their family.  It was fun to see how much their other two children had grown over the course of a year, too.  I keep telling them that I need to take parenting lessons from them, as their kids are some of the nicest and most polite kids you'll ever meet. :)  I think that shows through in the photographs below.  Enjoy!

(Becky and I share a love for black & white photography, so I've included a lot below!)

Meet the K. Family!

This is their youngest daughter, Josie.  I love this photo!
And these are their other two kiddos, Ellie and Blake.  They are SO sweet with each other!
Blake has a cute personality - he loves to be SILLY!
A hug for mom.
...and a hug for each other.  

Loren brought along his guitar.  I may also need a guitar lesson on the day we do our parenting class :)
And last but not least, check out this chic little outfit!  Adorable. :)
Thanks again to the K. Family for inviting me over to capture your beautiful family!  It was a lot of fun.  And thanks also to Becky's parents for allowing us to use their gorgeous backyard as a backdrop.  Hope to see you all again, soon. 


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