Baby Clara - Newborn Session

I photographed little Clara at just two weeks old, and all I can say is, what a little pumpkin!  Newborn sessions are some of my very favorite sessions to do - they're so cute and cuddly!  Plus, babies at this age would much rather sleep than watch me dance around like a monkey, trying to get a reaction.

Clara's 1-year old cousin, Ella, came over to join in on the fun too.  I hadn't seen her since I did her newborn portraits one year ago, and it was amazing to see how big she had gotten!  These two will have lots of fun together when they get a little older.

Ready for some ultra-cute baby pictures?  Here we go...

Who doesn't love baby toes?
Doesn't this pictures make you want to scoop her up and cuddle?  Look at those little back wrinkles!  
Dozing in her momma's arms...
These little underoos were a gift from Clara's aunt Katie.  Adorable!
So sweet... so peaceful!

This is Clara's cousin, Ella.  She LOVED the baby!
A little snooze on the front porch...

She looks so cozy.  Wouldn't you love to take a nap in the garden?

A heartfelt thanks to Clara and her mom, Stephanie, for having me over to capture these precious moments!  Enjoy the pictures and this new, beautiful little girl!


Monica Schneider said...

Absolutely beautiful yet again Michelle!

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