Super Cooper - A Day at the Park

Here are some long overdue pictures of a session I had with the darling Mr. Cooper and his mom.  Although this session was nearly 2 months ago, they were just too cute not to post.  Enjoy - and thanks again to Cooper and his mommy for a fun afternoon at the park!

We started off the day by chasing each other around the park!  (which is easier said than done when you're 9 months pregnant :) ha!)
And then his mommy scooped him up for a quick hug :)
I love these shots!
More running...
...and more chasing! :)  Seriously, how cute is this little guy?!
Thank heavens they put in a fence at the playground - 2 year olds are tough to keep up with!
Then it was off to the playground.

Cooper surprised us all (himself too, I think) by hanging by himself off this bar!  He's only 2 years old, but so strong!
I love the tongue.  This is the look of determination!
Wow!  Look at me!
Next up: the big playground equipment!
Considering a climb through the tunnel...
And off he goes!  This is my favorite shot of the day, static-y hair and all. 

Sorry again for the delay in posting these pictures.  I love how they turned out though and hopefully you do, too.  See you soon!!


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