Liz's Baby Shower

One of my very best friends, Liz, is expecting!  Her little nugget is scheduled to arrive right around Christmas, so it should be a holiday to remember.  Here are a few of the shots I took at her baby shower a few weeks ago.  I can't wait to meet your little girl!!

I'll start with some of the pretty details...
 Liz with her mother-in-law, Nancy.  Nancy and her daughter, Julie, hosted the shower!

I always love the wrapping paper at baby showers.  Okay, I admit it.. that's my gift on the right! :)

Let the gift-giving begin!

The baby will be very well-dressed, that's for sure!

The hippest diaper bag ever!

Pregnant women were everywhere!  (I was told not to drink the water!)  
Angie and Liz on the left - Julie (the other hostess!) and Liz on the right.

More family and friends - everyone is so happy :)

And, I'll end the post with a friends photo.  
Awe, Liz!  I miss you and love you so much!  I can't wait to meet your little girl SOON!
A big thanks to Julie and Nancy for hosting such a lovely shower - it was lots of fun!


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